Create a Long Form Audio Book with Azure Speech service

Illustration of an android reading a book

Creating long-form audiobooks from your written content can be an incredible way to repurpose your content and reach a broader audience. By leveraging the Azure Speech Service, it becomes surprisingly straightforward to convert long textual content into audiobooks. In this article, we will demonstrate how to achieve this with a step-by-step guide and Python code.

Setting up Azure Speech Service

Before diving into the code, let’s first set up the Azure Speech Service:

  1. Azure Subscription: If you don’t have one, you can create a free Azure subscription.
  2. Create a Speech Resource: Go to the Azure portal and create a new Speech resource.
  3. Get Your Speech Resource Key and Region: After deploying your Speech resource, click on ‘Go to resource’. This will allow you to view and manage your keys. If you need additional details about Azure AI service resources, refer to the official documentation.

With these steps completed, you are now ready to integrate the Azure Speech Service into your Python code.


To work with the code, ensure you have the following packages installed. You can do this in a Jupyter notebook:

Converting Markdown to Plain Text

First, let’s convert our markdown content to plain text. This ensures the reader doesn’t get distracted by markdown elements like hash symbols or bullets.

Splitting the Text

The Azure Speech Service can be a bit finicky with longer content. To avoid any issues, we’ll break the text into smaller chunks. This makes it easier for the service to process the text in a batch mode.

Setting Up the Azure Speech SDK

Before using the Azure Speech SDK, ensure it’s installed. If not, we’ll display an error message.

Make sure to add your Azure Speech key and service region:

Text to Audio Conversion

Now, for the fun part. We’ll convert the small text files into individual audio segments.

Next, let’s iterate through each of these files and convert them:

Combining Audio Segments

To make listening easier, we’ll combine all these segments into one audio file:


Lastly, it’s always a good practice to clean up any intermediate files to keep your workspace tidy:

Wrapping Up

This process is perfect for turning longer documents or even blog posts into audio content. Whether you’re going for a walk, a run, or just resting your eyes, now you can listen to your content on-the-go.

Remember, the directories used (bronze, silver, gold, and output) are essential for the project’s structure, so ensure they exist in your workspace before running the code.

Happy listening!

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