Year One of Independence

Reflecting on a year since leaving Quisitive, the journey of becoming a solopreneur in the tech and cannabis industries is explored. With insights into challenges, successes, and the vision for Green Nanny, this post delves into the intersection of IoT, agriculture, and entrepreneurship.

Business people fighting a raging fire

Learning from Firefighters: How to Manage Self-Created Emergencies in IT

In this blog post, we explore managing self-created emergencies in IT, using lessons from professionals like firefighters, emergency responders, and the military. Learn how preparation, assessment, clear roles, prioritization, communication, and after-action reviews can help your IT team better manage crises. Transitioning to DevOps principles? Find out how these strategies align with and support a smoother DevOps journey

Unlock the Power of Cloud-Native Networking with Kubernetes

Learn about the importance of cloud-native networking for engineers working in the cloud. Get started learning the concept of cloud-native networking, including the key components and benefits, with tutorials, courses, books, blogs, and videos. Understand the underlying concepts and technologies, such as Kubernetes pods, service discovery, and load balancing. Gain hands-on experience by setting up a simple Kubernetes cluster and experimenting with different networking options.

Exploring Cloud-Native Databases for Kubernetes: What You Need to Know

Learn about the importance of cloud-native databases for new engineers, with an overview of the key concepts, resources for learning, videos to watch, and a possible learning path. Get an introduction to the different types of cloud-native databases and how they are used, as well as a note from the architect.

Understanding Cloud-Native Collaboration and DevOps Culture for the New Engineer

Learn about cloud-native collaboration and DevOps culture and its importance for building and deploying cloud-native applications. Get started with hands-on experience setting up a simple Kubernetes cluster and experiment with DevOps tools. Dive into the underlying concepts, best practices and principles, and join a community of Kubernetes enthusiasts. Get insights from an architect on DevOps, agile, and SRE.